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Get Your Term Sheet Drafted

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What is a Term Sheet?

Key Features of a Non-binding Term Sheet

Investors and entrepreneurs should follow the guidelines outlined in a non-binding term sheet to protect their investments. It provides a starting point for future negotiations and a basis for potential investments.

Non-binding term sheets often include the following elements:

  • It is a piece of paper organised in a list manner.
  • This pact is entirely voluntary.
  • The Term Sheet is subject to modification at any time.
  • It’s the first step towards the final contract.
  • Provides a framework for the completion document.

Term Sheet Checklist

If you’re working with a non-binding term sheet, go to this checklist to ensure everything goes smoothly.

Benefits of Term Sheet

Clear Communication

A startup term sheet simply and effectively outlines the key terms and conditions of the proposed investment contract, helping both parties understand each other’s expectations and reach a consensus.


A term sheet lets both parties negotiate and agree on key issues before drafting the investment agreement, saving time. This avoids misunderstandings and conflicts throughout the time-consuming and expensive drafting process.


Term sheets are non-binding agreements that allow parties to negotiate and amend investment terms. This allows for more collaborative and iterative negotiations, which can improve business-investor relations.

Interest Protection

A term sheet clearly states the investment contract’s key terms and conditions to safeguard both parties. This ensures everyone is on the same page and working towards the same objective.

Reduced Risk

Outlining the key terms and conditions of the investment agreement in a term sheet can lessen the possibility of disputes and conflicts during the investment process. This can assist both parties in creating a safer investing environment.

Purpose of a Term Sheet

The term sheet’s scope should be limited to the essentials of a transaction, with the finer points left for a formal contract. A term sheet is an agreement between business partners outlining the parameters of a transaction. The term sheet helps to avoid misunderstandings and unwanted friction. The term sheet also helps prevent the high costs of hiring a lawyer to create a legally binding agreement.

All term sheets should contain the information listed below.

  • Property owned by the company.
  • The first investment.
  • The time limit for a response.
  • Additional content that must be included.

Things to Consider Before Signing the Term Sheet

The purpose of a term sheet is to formalise the relationship between a startup’s founder and potential investors. Typically, new businesses receive funding from venture capital firms. A startup term sheet needs to account for the following factors:

Term sheet is a Non-Binding Document

The term sheet is not required to be signed. There is no legal obligation for the venture capitalists or the entrepreneur to adhere to the conditions of the term sheet.

Valuation of the Company

To fulfil the appointment requirement along with filing with the MCA, the authorisation is provided to one of the partners.

Voting Rights

Venture capitalists are new businesses' traditional financial backers because they focus on ROI. Consequently, the venture capitalist asked for and obtained inappropriate sway over business decisions.

Liquidation Preference

The term sheet should specify the percentage distribution between entrepreneurs and investors.

Investor Commitment

In the term sheet, it is essential to specify how long the investment must be fully vested.

Steps That Must Be Taken Before Signing a Term Sheet

After venture funders have shown interest in the company, several tasks must be accomplished before the term sheet and agreement may be signed.

The next stage is to get an agreement on the contract’s particulars. Because of the complexity of the issues involved, having an attorney help you arrange the procedure is essential. A few things must be done before the final contract may be signed.

A few things need to be done before the deal may be sealed:

  • Taking into account the Term Sheet.
  • Exercising diligence
  • Clarifying the finer points of the prior understanding.
  • Closing of a Deal

In addition, after an agreement is finalised,

  • First due diligence
  • A written agreement
  • Timeframe for the term sheet to be formalised into an agreement.
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