Biz Setup Global

Refund Policy

  1. There is no refund policy for any kind of service once the payment is made. Only in case of any valid reason like unavailability of documents or any other very valid reason only in case of exceptional approval refund is allowed as per this policy.
  2. You can apply for a refund of the amount paid within two (2) days of purchase of any service on the website; the said refund should be accompanied with a valid reason as to why the refund is being sought. Post 2 days of the payment of the service, there will not be any refund allowed as we would start the activity.
  3. If services which have been purchased have been partially used, then no refund will be initiated.
  4. In case of a request for a refund you will be required to raise a request on the Helpdesk available in the dashboard in the refund section within the prescribed time period which is 2 days from the date of payment. No other form of refund request will be entertained.
  5. If the amount sought as refund is cleared the same will be approved and you will receive the amount after deduction of administrative and other incidental charges like bank/wire charges within 30 days from the date of request for refund.
  6. There will not be any interest on the amount of refund payable.
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